Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Insanity & A Tease!

This is partially what The Hubster came home to last night. He mentioned over the weekend that he bet I would have the entire house decorated by weeks end. I said no way since I NEVER decorate till  Thanksgiving Day. He came home and said he did not mean that comment as a challenge! Ha! 
Like I do not have enough going on already I had to come home from HobLob yesterday and tear apart the living room. I wanted to get out what all we had to see what we needed before everywhere sells thru stuff. I HATE it when that happens!! Makes me want to start decorating in May when it all hits the stores! Ha! No not really but it is pretty unnerving. Come to find out we have very little and I can not find my Mark Roberts Fairies! Urgh! Our decorations  always seemed like enough because all I ever decorated in our previous homes was the living room. Now I do the kitchen, dining room, living room, and landing. Sigh. Now that I have it all out and an idea of what I need...everything...it will have to wait till I can get back to HobLob and even Michaels. I need to work on some orders first then I can play some more. 
In the meantime here is a lil' tease! I promise to try and get pics of the entire dresser before weeks end and post um. I think you will just love how she turned out and where she ended up!
Have a good week y'all!


  1. My dear hubby makes me wait until Dec. 1st. That is hard because you know Christmas starts Nov. 26th. I'll work on him this year.
    Can't wait to see the dresser.

  2. Hey! Your living room looks a lot like my living room right now!! Boxes everywhere, garland and ribbon all over the floor...it always has to get worse before it gets better, right? :-) I can't wait to see the finished dresser 'cause just by the sneak peek I can tell it is gorgeous!

  3. I feel just like you do. I was just thinking that I need to start getting my Christmas stuff out now to see what I need. By the time I usually find out I have lights burned out, I go to the store and they're sold out already!

  4. Your house looks like mine right now! :) I have stuff scattered everywhere! I can't wait to see all your decorations!! I hope you find your fairies! The dresser looks really pretty with just that little tease!

  5. I've already completed most of a bathroom and the guest room. I hate waiting and this year wanted a jump start. After the shower on Saturday I'll have room to start downstairs.

    Not a challenge? LOL.

  6. I can't wait to start decorating. Our tradition is to decorate the Friday after Thanksgiving. But this year I may be out buying K's baby furniture, YEAH!!


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