We have just 3 days left till we close on our new home in Tx...well not including today since it is almost over. As many of you know it is a very stressful time when you are trying to sell and trying to close on a new home. Thankfully everything has fallen into place and I can finally look forward to moving to our new home! So even though we close on Monday we still have another week and half till the moving truck roll up in the front yard. That is the earliest they could fit us in.
This is our dining room from the kitchen hallway. I love this room so much. I also love the overall shape of the chandy but I feel she must come down and be painted to an antique bronze. I am even going to see if I can cut off the swirly design on the globes and possibly do without the globes altogether and just use shades. I do not quite remember how they are made though so we may just end up with an entirely new chandy. Who knows. My major challenge are the windows. I am thinking we will pass on putting up any kind of shades. We would never walk in there naked ....HA!..and you can not see the windows from the kitchen so no seeing us in our pjs either. I was first thinking four skinny panels mistreated but that may over power the windows. Then I am possible thinking two full size panels on either end of the windows with possible a scrolly iron work piece in the middle??? I just do not know. I also was going back and fourth on color. At first I wanted a yellow dining room. We have a black table. Then I decided that we are going to paint the common areas of the house in either SW Blonde or Pratt & Lambert Peanut Shell and so a yellow dining room would not work. Then I figured maybe doing Laura Ashley Olive 4 on top and white on the bottom. We had LA Olive 3 in the last house but I want a more dramatic look. Well that all changed today!
This afternoon the boys and I dropped off some orders at the PO and then headed to HobLob, my home away from home. Ha! Actually oldest asked why I was going again because I had just been there four days earlier! My response was because things are on sale! While wondering down the fab isle looky what I saw! I feel in love with this fab instantly and I am now on a quest. Our dining room walls are already that exact shade of khaki so I would only have to paint the bottom half white and add the square molding I want.
So there ya have it! Please let me know your thoughts on the whole curtain thing. I am truly lost. I am all for mistreating in there so I am on the hunt for some design I can easily do that with. Now on to the Master Bedroom for Show Us where you Live Friday over at Kelly's Korner! I need to take a few more pics. Chat with ya all more later and thanx for stopping by!
that would make a cute dinning room. I really like that barn door.