Thursday, November 29, 2018

Christmas Past-Playing Catch Up

I felt totally ahead of the game this year with Christmas decorating. I started pulling things together little by little weeks ago. By the end of last week though I could tell I was going to get knocked down but I kept pushing thru. I was able to get a few things done and started on our Christmas porch over the weekend. By Sunday night that was it. It caught up with me! Every time the weather changes for the seasons I get bronchitis. I thankfully am on the upswing I think. Today I am going to try and get pics of one area I have managed to get completed so stay tuned. 

I can not believe this will be our third Christmas at the new house. How does that even seem possible!?
Christmas- Farmhouse-Wreaths-Red Bows-Windows-White Farmhouse-From My Front Porch To Yours

Our first Christmas we had only been in the new house about a month and half and we were still living with boxes.  We did manage to hang wreaths on the windows though which I totally love. Sadly we won't be hanging them this year but there is always next year! I am going to be just focusing on the porch itself this year. 
Christmas- Farmhouse-Mantel-Red Gingham Curtains-Cottage Style-From My Front Porch To Yours
I loved our mantel and the gingham curtains which were actually table cloths. 
Christmas- Farmhouse-Style-Bottle Brush trees-Christmas Tree-From My Front Porch To Yours
Our tree was a fun one that first year! It had a bottle brush tree theme. 

So are you done with decking the halls yet? If so come on over and help me out!LOL. I keep reminding myself it is not even December yet but I feel so behind. To see more of Christmas from our first year in the new house just click on the blue links. 


  1. MY tree is decorated and the mantle almost finished. I hope to get all of the inside finished today and wait until Sunday when the weather will be warmer to work outside.

    1. We are having a few days of warmer weather here as well. I am ready for the cold to come back and stay.

  2. Oh my...third Christmas?!! does time fly!....Love going down memory lane...looking forward to your beautiful Christmas decor.

    1. Before ya know it it will be your 3rd Christmas in your new home Shirley! Love seeing your holiday decor this year. You always make everything look so beautiful.


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