Tuesday, July 26, 2016

French Country Farmhouse Thru The Years Part 1- Saying Goodbye

Yes, I have been MIA for most of the month of July. As many of you may know we decided to list our home for sale at the end of May. In just 3 short weeks after listing we were under contract.
French Country Farmhouse Sold

From that point on everything has been pretty much a whirlwind. I have not had anytime for anything that was not centered around our move. The moving truck came last Friday and we have since transitioned over to our short term lease house. Our new home will not be completed till sometime in October thus I have plenty of free time to get back to blogging!:)
 I thought that I would share a few posts about our home that we loved so very much.
French Country Farmhouse Transformation
We sold our first home in 2007 literally a week before the market bottomed out. At that time this house had just finished completion and sat,sat, and sat some more. It sat for a total of two years while we lived in Baton Rouge. We like to think it was waiting just for us!:) 
French Country Farmhouse Transformation
Here we are 7 years later with many memories we hold near and dear.
French Country Farmhouse Transformation
During the past 7 years we have completely transformed our home.
French Country Farmhouse Transformation
We brought to life a house and made it a home.
French Country Farmhouse Transformation
French Country Farmhouse Transformation-Foyer
French Country Farmhouse Transformation-Wood Floors
I stood here the last day and I could still hear the boys playing and laughing.
French Country Farmhouse Transformation-Before
French Country Farmhouse Transformation-After
It is funny, our dining room has been thru two different paint colors and I actually ended up going back to one that was very similar to the original color the builder had painted it.
French Country Farmhouse Transformation-Before
French Country Farmhouse Transformation-After
French Country Farmhouse Transformation
As I walked thru our empty home this past week I was amazed at how large it felt. Though I was sad to be leaving it I was ever so thankful for the wonderful memories we have taken with us.

Over the next few days I will share some more of our home and the transformation it went thru. 

Note: Some of these pictures are from our HAR listing.We had a wonderful photographer! Please do not take or borrow!

Sharing at these wonderful blogs:
Confession of A Plate Addict
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Coastal Charm
A Stroll Thru Life
Savvy Southern Style


  1. I love a home tour. Where are you moving, Pam?

    1. Hi Ron! Thanks for still being around. Geez, I have no ida who is left out there since I have been gone. We have been praying on moving for the past three years now. Finally all things fell into place and we are building across town to be closer to hubby's work.

  2. Hey Pamela. I feel for you! Moving is hard and wonderful all rolled into one.

    1. Yes, Stacey I agree! I almost think it is easier to be told we have to transfer then it was to make the decision to pick up and move ourselves. I think it would have been easier if our new home had been ready instead of having to hang out in a rental till fall. Feeling displaced right now but we know in the end it will all be worth it!:)

  3. How exciting! Even though you have to wait a little longer to move into your new home I'm sure it will be so worth it! You had a beautiful home.

  4. Moving can be a very stressful process, especially when there's a temporary stint in the mix. But I'm sure there's excitement as well as you watch the progress made on your new home. I wish you and your family all the best during this time and excited to see where you land.
    Mary Alice

  5. Waht a beautiful home you wre blessed with! It's fun to make the empty full of memories and treasures. What a creative joy you have to look forward to doing. Have a good day! Linda @bushelandapickle.com from The Scoop today.

  6. I love home tours too!
    Can't wait to see your new home!

  7. Your house you are leaving is pretty nice, and beautiful
    my youngest daughter and family just moved into a new house in another city
    they have 4 boys and it was a hard move also
    The dog and 2 cats and boys are all settled in now and happy once again
    It will be nice when you get into your new home also, can't wait to see it

  8. Congrats on the sale and best wishes for your next two moves!

  9. I love your old house, I'm so excited to see what you end up with, I know it will be gorgeous!

  10. It is hard to say good bye to a home you have loved and made beautiful but I know your next home will be even better. Good luck with moving and seeing your new home being built.

  11. Pamela,
    I am so excited for you and your family. Looking forward to seeing your new home and how you decorate it and October will be here before you know it.


  12. Even though you are over the moon excited about your new home...it is so bittersweet leaving a home with so many memories of your family and the wonderful projects you did so to make this house your home....but you are now on a new adventure... a pretty great one....to make more memories!


I love when ya stop by so leave me a comment if ya have some time! I always try and respond but sadly enough sometimes I am unable to return the love due to noreply blogger status.