Monday, March 15, 2010

Mantel Redo Take 2

Edited Note on 8/21/10- Linking up to Funky Junk Interiors SNS! I love heading over there every Sat and checking out all the wonderful links! Also be sure to check out my April Cornell giveaway !

EDITED NOTE: Linking up to Tutorial Tuesdays with Hope Studios because well Jennifer is having a give away from The Magic Brush! This post is as close to a tutorial I have. Hope it counts!;)

Hey ya'll! Been super busy and decided to focus on the fam more and actually get some projects done instead of finding more project inspirations so posts have been sparse but thanx for still stopping by! I love it when ya visit!
So the new school was named and well there is an uproar over it because the name that was chosen was NOT the name that had the most votes. The least fave name Atascocita Springs was chosen and well I did not hear the whole story but some how votes got split for some reason or another and we ended up with the least fave name. Joy. Thanx for voting though!:) Oldest now officially knows how to ride his bike so we are super excited! This past weekend we learned how to start off so now he has it down! Ummm what else....I turned 35 this past Saturday. Yeah, I said 35 and am still in disbelief that it came sooo quickly!:( As for Nutrisystem, it lasted all of approx two weeks. I still eat the food and lost 6 pounds but came to the realization it was not reality and I was NOT going to eat that food forever so I started back in on regular food as well but in smaller portions and I eat when I am suppose to instead of say 10 at night. IT was a great tool to see how I was suppose to be eating but unrealistic to keep on it because it was soooo time consuming making my food and then the family's food. The cost was something we were not sure either we would be able to keep up with so now instead we joined the gym as a family. What that gets me is two hours a day of kid free time working out in peace and quiet!:) Tonight I went to a Hip Hop class with a friend and was thankful I was not the only uncoordinated fat chick in the class. I made it thru up till the last set and I lost the moves but hey I still did the full hour so that says something! I think I will try and go every Monday night.
Okay so enough of the mundane day to day stuff. Remember last month when I decided to finally go for it and redo the fireplace mantel? It was just the traditional white.
Then I added a Chateau Brown glaze and it ended up to look like this. I had mentioned how I liked it but was not in love with it but promised to leave it alone for a month before I did anything to it. Remember that!?

Yeah, well I waited to do this post because I did not want ya'll think I needed intervention for my OCD but that month of waiting it never happened! That same night I was getting ready to head off to bed at 11 and decided that I just had to do something to it. Okay so maybe I do need some intervention but at least now I can say I love it!:) After another two and half hours of work this is what the mantel looks like now.
Believe it or not it has a blue tint to it!

I used BM Stratton Blue mixed by SW. I just lightly brushed it on and wiped it off and then went back and did the same with the Chateau Brown glaze. I still need to do a little more antiquing to the tooth molding but overall I think it turned out pretty nice.

Now that I am at peace with the mantel I am on to the guest bedroom!:)

I am linking up to:


  1. Pamela, I like it. Great color.

    Good for you for going to the gym. I've been a gym rat for about 30 years and yes, that was MY TIME. Away from my kids and just for me. It's still MY TIME and it's cheaper than going to a therapist. :)

    Isn't Hip Hop fun?? We have Groove here and I go but make a fool of myself. I laugh so hard cuz I'm the old lady trying to shake her bootie.

    Nice to see you here. Hugs.

  2. Happy birthday! I am about 6 months older than you.

    The mantle looks great. Several times since I have seen your original post, I have looked at mine and wondered if I should bust out the glaze!

    Keep up the hard work at the gym!


  3. You did a fabulous job - Looks stunning! Love the globe too!

  4. Hip Hop class!! Sounds like so much fun :)
    I loved your mantle before, but it looks awesome with the blue added! Great job!!

  5. Happy Birthday!!! I hope your day was an enjoyable one.

    Love, love, love the mantle. I am tempted to try it myself but I do want to keep my hubby, ha!!

  6. When I saw the first picture I thought why is she changing that it looks great. But when I saw what you did to it, wow, I love it.
    It just really warmed it up. Looks lovely.

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Time does fly by doesn't it. Hope you had a grea day. The fireplace mantle looks great with the blue added to it. Beautiful job.
    Congratulations on the six pounds. I just checked out No Flour No Sugar book from the library. Sounds interesting and pretty doable.
    Sorry the name didn't get chosen.
    You always wonder what is happening behind the scenes. Sounds like someone was getting what they wanted no matter what. hmmm reminds me of our current administration in Washington....
    ♥ Jy

  8. I love it! I wouldn't have even known it had a blue tint if you hadn't mentioned it. I'm thinking of redoing my mantel, so this is very inspiring! Great job.

  9. Great mantel and perfectly decorated. I have a list of Tex. bloggers and will add yur mane to my lsit, please come and visit.


  10. Pamela this looks gorgeous! I adore your home and decor' style. ~Beautiful. :)


I love when ya stop by so leave me a comment if ya have some time! I always try and respond but sadly enough sometimes I am unable to return the love due to noreply blogger status.