Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Last Week

Been busy lately so I thought I would do a quick review of what we have been up to this past week. My mom and step dad came in for a visit. We went down to Galveston to kill some time. Its about an hour drive for us.

This is about as good as Galveston gets. I am NOT a big fan of it at all but glad we went. The boys loved it. There are signs posted everywhere about no swimming. A few years back somebody even contracted a flesh eating bacteria from swimming out there.

This is the oh so beautiful sea wall! Ha! I took this pic so you could see just how windy it was! We were practically blown over and when we got home you can only imagine all the places sand was hiding!:) I don;t know how we chose the windiest and coldest day in March to go but we did.

Instead of heading down the STEEP steps onto the beach my mom made my step dad follow her across the street to the gift shop. If you look closely you can see him standing there waiting on her. I am glad we realized they were gone and found her. She was about to purchase Oldest and Littliest some hermit crabs. Oh no! That was a close one.

This is the reason mom comes out every year! Oldest turned 6 this past week! I can not believe he is six already. Time goes by too quickly and I am so sad my babies are no longer babies. We had a small get together. Invited our good friends over for cake and ice cream. Their oldest is 4 months younger than Oldest and their middle is 10 days younger than Littliest and they have a 13 month old baby girl as well. We skipped the third go round!Ha! The party turned into a pj party which Oldest loved. I have no idea what he was laughing at but love this pic.

I also found time to paint an accent wall in the half bath and redo the accessories. It is REALLY hard to get good pics because it does not have a window and in a hallway away from most natural light but you can get the idea.

My fave Target rug from our previous home. It really should be a smallish circle rug but trying to reuse what I can here. We hang the hand towel on the door otherwise Littliest can not reach it.
My fave bird picture and HobLob $5 picture frame. I am going to add a border with a stencil and some patching mud or whatever it is called. Just have not found the right stencil yet.

Hope your week is going well! Soon I will have pics to post of our in progress landscaping project out front!:)


  1. Love what you did in your half bath, especially the door.

  2. Thanx Marla! It is still a work in progress but I am happy so far.

  3. Great job in the half bath. So pretty.
    We have spent zilcho time in Gal. I grew up on the west coast of FL and spoiled by pretty beaches. It's hard for me to go there.
    I know it would be fun.
    Glad you all went and had fun.
    Picture is so cute of them all happy.

    ♥ Joy

  4. Your half bath is very nice! Love the accent wall and the items on it! and the door stencil is adorable!

    Gotta love the Texas Gulf Coast! We spend our time in Rockport. The little beach is very clean but no sparkling blue waters by any means. We take the boys to Port A for shell hunting. I'm glad y'all had a good time!

    FUnny! My word verification is MINGO -- that is my upholsterers name!! Maybe I should redo some furniture!!!


  5. Haven't been to Galveston since hurricane Rita. You mean they don't let you swim in the ocean anymore?

  6. Hi, saw you on Texas-Blogging-Gals and thought I'd stop by.

    Galveston is my favorite place in Texas - I'd live about 2 blocks from the beach in one of those old Victoria houses if I could. For years my husband couldn't understand the attraction I have for that little island. It has almost everything - the beach, the old houses, antique stores, great museums, etc. He said it's just too touristy, but I love it.

    Thanks for sharing the photos. We're hoping to get down there in a couple of weeks when we go to Houston. Maybe it'll be warm enough then to wear shorts on the beach.


I love when ya stop by so leave me a comment if ya have some time! I always try and respond but sadly enough sometimes I am unable to return the love due to noreply blogger status.