Saturday, July 22, 2017

A Year Goes By So Fast!

Well today marks one year since we closed on our previous home. 
French Country Farmhouse Sold

 In honor of our old home I wanted to re-share the post I made last year when we were busy moving to the rental. Though we love our new home, neighborhood and neighbors I still tear up thinking about our old home. It was a good one for sure!
French Country Farmhouse Transformation
We sold our first home in 2007 literally a week before the market bottomed out. At that time this house had just finished completion and sat,sat, and sat some more. It sat for a total of two years while we lived in Baton Rouge. We like to think it was waiting just for us!:) 
French Country Farmhouse Transformation
Here we are 7 years later with many memories we hold near and dear.
French Country Farmhouse Transformation
During the past 7 years we have completely transformed our home.
French Country Farmhouse Transformation
We brought to life a house and made it a home.
French Country Farmhouse Transformation
French Country Farmhouse Transformation-Foyer
French Country Farmhouse Transformation-Wood Floors
I stood here the last day and I could still hear the boys playing and laughing.
French Country Farmhouse Transformation-Before
French Country Farmhouse Transformation-After
It is funny, our dining room has been thru two different paint colors and I actually ended up going back to one that was very similar to the original color the builder had painted it.
French Country Farmhouse Transformation-Before
French Country Farmhouse Transformation-After
French Country Farmhouse Transformation
As I walked thru our empty home this past week I was amazed at how large it felt. Though I was sad to be leaving it I was ever so thankful for the wonderful memories we have taken with us.



  1. This is a gorgeous home but you made it amazing with your decorative skills. You have a way with elegance that is touchable and livable. I'd hire you to do my home over any time!

    Bittersweet memories I'm sure. Thanks for sharing, Pamela!

    Jane x

  2. Pamela,
    That was a great home. I remember when you did the faux brick wall. Lots of great memories in your pretty home to remember. Now you will be creating new memories in your new place. Happy Weekend.

  3. Gorgeous the details that make a house a home.


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