Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Treasure Hunt Thursday #16!!

Welcome to Treasure Hunt Thursday! As many of you know Rhonda formerly of Blue Creek Home and now My Blue Creek Home had some technical difficulties with her blog. She is still in the midst of trying to get everything ironed out so I was honored when she asked me if I wanted to take care of her Treasure Hunt Thursday party! Thank you so much Rhonda and I hope to make you proud! For now I am going to continue to use Rhonda's Party Button so that everybody will recognize that it is still the same party just at a different house!:) If you have this button on your sidebar and get a chance please just change the URL over to my place. I would so much appreciate it!

So let's get this party started ladies!

I found this treasure at HomeGoods on Monday. It along with another one was just tossed on top of a shelf. I saw it and wondered what it was. Needless to say I bought both of them since they were only $7.99! Thing is when I got them home they are kinda short so now I am trying to decide what to do with them. 

I purchased this off of the local yard sale site. I actually have two but the other one is out in the garage. They are from some body's front door and well the other one is cracked in two places. I did not mind though! For $10 I figured I could take the broken pieces out of the other one. 

This lamp is another HomeGoods find from this week. I just love all the detailing in the base!
So what did y'all find this past week!? I can't wait to see!

 As with all parties there are the normal rules. You must link back to From My Front Porch To Yours. Just common courtsey. Only link up to your Treasure Hunt Thursday post and NOT your blog homepage. Please no advertising. Also be sure to visit at least the link before you and after you to just say Hi! It makes partying all the more fun!:)

Linking up to the following parties:


  1. Hi Pamela,
    Got your invite. Thanks for hosting.

  2. Love your purchases. Is that lamp a light shade of turquoise? Yummy color!
    Blessings to you~

  3. I appreciate you taking over the wheel of the Treasure Hunt Thursday Ship!! It may take a few weeks for everyone to find you.
    I am glad your little one is better. Sick kids make for some miserable nights.

    Love the glass panels - that was a steal.
    Happy hostessing!

  4. Hi Pam, she couldn't have chosen a sweeter hostess to take over her party for her. I will be back tomorrow to link something up. Does it matter what? Just any treasure, like my junk?

  5. Thank you for your sweet visit and the invite to join the party! I am all linked up! Thanks so much for hosting! I am envious of your leaded glass window finds! Gorgeous!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  6. Hi Pamela,
    Thanks so much for commenting and following my blog. What a find those lead glass windows are. Of course I love the yummy color of your lamp. I am so excited, we finally get a Home Goods store. One is opening up about 20 miles away on Thursday. YAHOO! Was going to follow you, but didn't see anywhere to do it. F.Y.I. I found my burlap curtains at Thanksgiving Point Emporium Shop. It was the last set and she said that they had been discontinued. Thanks for the party!

  7. I need to shop your Home Goods. Haven't seen that lamp at ours or a nice runner like that. Linked an older post. FYI, you need to increase the number of words for the title in the linky.

  8. Hi, Pamela! Thanks for continuing the party!!! Love your leaded glass window!

  9. Great finds. I love the color on that lamp. Very pretty! Thanks for having us over!

  10. That leaded glass is just gorgeous!!

  11. All linked up to your new fabulous party, Pamela! Thanks for taking over hosting duties!


  12. thanks so much for the invite!!! you have so many great projects going, I just started using the chalk paint.

  13. Hi Pam, just linked up, thanks for the sweet invitation!xo Debra

  14. Hi Pamela, The leaded glass is beautiful and you found some great things this week. Thanks for linking to the Open House party.


I love when ya stop by so leave me a comment if ya have some time! I always try and respond but sadly enough sometimes I am unable to return the love due to noreply blogger status.