Friday, December 10, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree....

Whew! It has been a busy busy week here. It seems it is just one thing after another but that is just par for this time of year. I am still working on the tree area but thought that I would go ahead and share it.

All of these pics were taken on differ days! Ha! This one from today. Yes, I know my star is crooked. It is crooked every year and never stays straight but it is the star we have had since we were first married thus it stays!:) Yes, I now see I have a major ribbon hole that needs adjusting. Funny what ya notice when ya take a pic. I am needing to go to a differ WM to find a 'N' glitter initial for The Nana's stocking. Once I find that both stockings will be set. Yes, there are lots of presents under our tree already. That is thanx to my mom who we lovingly refer to as Ma. They are driving the boys nutso!:)

I have pretty much used the same decorations for years minus a few. The only thing I have changed up really is the ribbon and more lights. Lots more lights! Our light theme is white twinkling and then red white and green. I think there is a total of ten strands on there!:)

 Our topper is a work in progress. I need more picks but I am guessing by the time we get to HobLob they will be all out. That poor star. It's light even went out so I had to wrap a new strand around and thru it. Maybe I will find a replacement in the next few years.

And here the tree is at 12:30 am last Saturday night! Ha! I even let Oldest stay up and help me decorate it which was a big feat for me. I am very particular on where ornaments go and well I kinda had to give that up this year. He was sooooo excited to help for the first time ever!:) That and the fact that he got to stay up till after midnight!:) 

On a differ non holiday related note look what made me HomeGoods Happy!! Our large pillows I purchased last year when we moved in where literally falling apart. Stuffing everywhere. I had been trying to find some replacements for months now and then last weekend the boys and I were in HG and I fell in love! I almost did not get them because they were $30 a piece but I knew I had seen them or very similar ones in Ballard for $65 so that made me feel better. The flowered pillows will be recovered eventually.
So there ya have it. Not sure how much more I will have to share of holiday. Maybe the dining room if I ever finish it. Two weeks and counting! Ekkk. It is all going by sooo quickly. Have wonderful weekend y'all and thanx for stopping by!

If you have not been by already and want to see more holiday cheer click here , and here.

I am joining in on the following linky parties so be sure to stop by and see other beautiful inspirations!

Southern In My Heart-
Inspiration Friday
French Country Cottage
-Feathered Nest Friday


  1. Your tree is beautiful. I love it and heeelllooo has somebody been good this year....all those gifts :) Love the pillow and I think sometimes it's ok to splurge for something we know we will still have in years to come.

  2. Your tree looks great, Pamela! How sweet that oldest was so excited to decorate with you ~ sometimes, you just gotta let it go, you know?:) Love that pillow! I saw similar at my Home Goods {black print} and I did pass on the price tag, plus I asked myself if I really needed more pillows, which I don't.

  3. I love the tree. It looks great. There are two things that I am going to do different some day. 1) I am going to do colored lights instead of all clear. 2) I am going to have a real live tree one year. I have never had either one of these two things.

  4. It looks fabulous! Your hard work paid off and I'm sure your kids love it. Thanks for visiting my blog. And yes, Legoland is a fun place to kids so go for it! :)

  5. LOL Pamela! I didn't even notice the crooked star or the ribbon hole...still don't really notice them! Isn't it funny the things only we really see about our homes? Your tree is just beautiful and I love the frosted berry picks added in. And, oh my goodness, that is a lot of presents already wrapped under there! I better get to work! :-)
    Thanks so much for linking up to the party!

  6. Love the tree. So beautiful.
    Can I live with you duringr the holiday season??!! It's like a Christmas storybook in your house. I hope I can pull it day.

  7. Your tree looks great. I wish I had a real one. Great smell. That was sweet of you to let your little one help. You will cherish those memories even if they aren't exactly where you would put them. Have a great weekend!

  8. Hey there Pamela!! I love your tree- it looks amazing and I didn't notice the star or ribbon issues! I just noticed how pretty it looks all lit up and with all the berries and pretty ornaments! Thanks so much for sharing this at party this week!

  9. What a beautiful tree...and you got great photos of it with the lights on! I love lots of pillows...and have a few I need to work on! Happy holidays! ♥

  10. Very pretty! Love the ribbon wrapped around it. We, too, have a tree that we've had since we got married that never sits straight!

  11. Beautiful tree! I love the smell of real trees. You decorated it beautifully too. I really love your star! You have a very pretty home and I really like where you have the tree placed so you can see it in the kitchen as well.

  12. Your tree looks beautiful, and I love your new pillow! laurie

  13. The tree looks beautiful and I remember my son driving me crazy to open presents every year. He is 16 yrs. old and he still acts like he is going to open them:)

  14. Love your tree and the different ribbons. The topper is really pretty too!

  15. Your tree is beautiful. I've had the best time scrolling through all your Christmas posts! Thanks for the lovely tour of your home. It's gorgeous. And the chandy in your kitchen is to die for.
    Funny thing, I just noticed you live in TX but wish you could live in GA. I live in GA and wish I could live in TX. Our families live in E.TX. We are currently in SW GA. We started out in Savannah, one my fav cities of all times, then to Augusta and now SW GA where my hubby is doing rotations while in med school. So what part of TX do you live in and where would you like to live in GA?


I love when ya stop by so leave me a comment if ya have some time! I always try and respond but sadly enough sometimes I am unable to return the love due to noreply blogger status.