Like my lil' framed art says we are taking it one day at a time here. It will be three weeks ago this Monday since The Hubster's grandaddy passed away. He was 91 or 92 and lived a long happy life. If we can only be so blessed! It was not a huge surprise. Ever since then though things have been kinda crazy. Life got away from us.
The Hubster has been under the weather and will be going in for a sleep study. We believe he has sleep apnea which is no huge surprise at all. Along with that the boys both had snot noses. The Nana & The Papa came out last week and both went home with colds like always. They still sound just awful on the phone. Even more now The Hubster has got their funk. So with all that said I am sitting here knocking on wood and praying to the man above that me and the boys stay well at least thru Halloween. The Hubster has been banished to the guest room!

In the between time of life I needed a stress reducer so I decided to tackle the above. That is our laundry and how it looked just before we closed. Up until this evening after I studied the picture some we swore the cabinets were installed on the wrong side of the wall. We insisted they be moved so they they would be over the dryer and the washer. Now I see that it was installed to be over the sink...which was no where...and the washer so that a drying bar could be installed over the dryer...again nowhere to be seen and if it had been then we would have had that Aha moment.

Welcome to my in progress redo Laundry room! I love the decal on the door. I actually have them on all three doors going that hallway. One for the laundry, one for the half bath which I will share once I tackle that room and then one on the pantry door.

The walls were the boring builders cream to begin with but now they have come to life with Sevlte Sage by Sherwin Williams. I chose this color because I was inspired by
Rhoda's green laundry room over at Southern Hospitality. It is simply divine and though my laundry is not as put together as hers I hope it soon will be. You should go and check it out if ya have not seen it! I love her floor!! Since I could not doo that I went with this black and white rug which came from WM and was just $23 with a mail in for a free subscription to Better Homes & Gardens! Who doesn't like some free mags! I have almost the exact same bunny picture she does. It was in the kitchen at the old nest but not really any place to put it here so then it dawned on me if Rhoda can put bunnies in the laundry so can I!
The Nester just did a post abt repurposing so that lead me to the flowers on the wall. The flowers were in our master bath back in BR and with no wall space in the new bath for them and after three months leaning propped up against the bathroom wall they found a nice new home here. I have had the vintage wash board for years and never hung it up till now.

Here is the section where a normal person would hang a drying bar. As you can tell we did have them move the cabinets. I did something else for drying so I decided to place my Hob Lob shelf in here which at the old nest was in the kitchen. Still trying to work out some decor for it. It may even get another shelf above it if I can ever find the other one. I placed it some where and have no idea where. I would love suggestions on what to do here. I need to climb up there and rub the vinyl decal on. I was making sure that was where I want it. Oh and what you will not see is what is below that shelf. The furry family supplies. I have grand ideas of building a folding counter level with the washer and then making a skirt for it so they can go behind the curtain and do their business. That way it won;t be the first thing ya see when ya walk in there. I have let over granite tiles for the top of it so I just need some help from The Hubster one weekend and it should be fairly easy. I may forgo the tiles and just paint a black and white harloquin on it. Who knows.

Here is our drying rack system. I saw this awhile back while still in BR on some body's laundry room DIY but I have NO IDEA whose. I ran right out to HobLob that same day and purchased these for the new nest. We bought a pack of hotel hangers from Costco for like $18 and it works like a charm! I am on the hunt for a bamboo style trash can or something. Anything is better than that plastic white one.

And so now I share a sneak peek at an additional project I have going on in there!;) I will just let ya know I got a wild hair and purchased a mini electric hand saw today and well plan A went to plan B once it I realized the saw basically useless for what I was wanting to do. Stop back by for the reveal! I had taken pics but they did not turn out too great so they need a redo.
Thanx for reading thus far. Haven't posted in almost two weeks so I guess I had a ton of built up rambling in me! Ha! Have a good one ya'll and come back soon!
I knew there was a reason I liked you! I have Svelte Sage in my family, kitchen, eating room and one upstairs bathroom. I love that color, especially with Tobacco Road because the colors flow within my home.
ReplyDeleteLove what you did in the laundry room. It's beautiful.
I'm sending my daughter your way. You remind me so much of her, both of you young moms with little ones.
ReplyDeleteI tried Tobacco Road but The Hubster was not a fan. He called it baby poop. I have camelback in the kitchen and then whole wheat in the living room and foyer plus soon to be hallways and game room. I used the SS in the art niche and the frame around our office so I decided I wanted it for the laundry room as well.
ReplyDeletePlease do send your daughter on over! I love making new bloggy friends!:)
Your laundry room is so cute! We are moving into a new house this weekend & I'm excited to actually HAVE a laundry room - a big one too!
ReplyDeleteI think my husband might have sleep apnea too, but I think if he lost a little weight it would get better. My dad also uses a c-pap machine (??) b/c he has sleep apnea really bad. I'm always so scared he is going to stop breathing in his sleep!
I just found your blog today & its so cute. Me & my twin sister are both pregnant with our first - both BOYS! We are so excited :)
Hi Pamela, I'm Mindy...Marla's daughter from Always Nesting. I love your blog layout! So cute. And great idea for those "drying racks" in the laundry room. Very classy. It's too bad I don't have a lot of wall space in my laundry room. I am forever forgetting about my husband's dress shirts in the dryer, and by the time I get around to folding them, they're so full of wrinkles that I have to wash and tumble them again. How easy would it be to just pull them out and hang them up pronto??? Great idea! I'll see if I can use it somewhere else...
ReplyDeleteNice meeting you. :) Great blog.
Hey Mindy! Thanx for stopping by! Went to say hi but your blog is private but I wanted to make sure to give ya a shout!:) Love reading your moms blog. She cracks me up!
ReplyDeleteLooks great! I'm looking around and liking what i see! Now following. :)
ReplyDeleteLooks terrific! And I am SO impressed you are using power tools! ;) GREAT JOB! Can't wait to see what else you did!