Friday, October 11, 2019

Fall In The Living Room

French -Country -Farmhouse-Living -Room- Fall -Decor-Pillow-Pumpkins-From My Front Porch To Yours
Fall arrived today! We went from 78 at 8:30 this morning to 54 by noon. It is wonderful! In honor of the fall weather I thought that I would share some of our fall decor with y'all starting off with the sitting area in our living room. 

French- Country -Farmhouse-Living -Room -Fall -Decor-Pumpkin Pillow-Ballad-Bouquet-Slipcover--From My Front Porch To Yours
I am keeping things fairly simple because I do not want to have to put up a bunch of stuff in order to start decorating for Christmas which yes, will start happening here in just a few short weeks. 

Flower-Arrangement-Pumpkins-French- Country -Farmhouse-Living- Room- Fall- Decor-From My Front Porch To Yours

French -Country- Farmhouse-Living- Room -Fall -Decor-Blue & White-Pumpkins-Ballad Bouquet-Slipcover--From My Front Porch To Yours
I am working on finishing up our fall mantel as well as two fall tablescapes so be sure to stop back by for a visit!

In case ya missed it I shared our fall front porch last week. Just click HERE


  1. So pretty, I love the fall leaves and checks always look warm and cozy to me.

  2. Pam,
    So pretty!! Looks so warm and cozy! Thanks so much for visiting!!

  3. I can verify the Texas temperature drop! I'm in your neighborhood & temp dropped in about 30 minutes in middle of tornado warning! Ahhh, Southeast Texas weather! But we won't be shoveling snow come Winter! Love your decorating!

    1. It was wild wasn't it!? I don't mind when we do get snow. I was in heaven back in 2017 when it snowed twice. Of course our snow doesn't qualify as real snow. LOL. Hope you had a great weekend and thanks for stopping by to visit! You have probably figured out where I live. How far away are you?

  4. Love that chair and ladder, so glad Fall has finally arrived!!


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