Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'm here I promise! I know I have not been around a lot lately but it is the end of the school year and so there has been a lot going on. I have also been working on finishing up 3 large projects and accepted a custom job!:0 I promise soon to be around more often.
Until then here are some fabulous features from last weeks THT! Thank you to all who turned out. Each and every week the links just keep getting better and better!

Be Book Bound shared her tutorial on how to make your very own herb crates. They turned out awesome and are now on my list of things to do! 

The Velvet Door  shared with us her amazing new headboard that she ordered off of Amazon! Her entire bedroom is just gorgeous.

Art is Beauty showed us the process she went thru to achieve a gorgeous new DIY stair runner! This pulled me in right away because The Hubster and I are almost ready to jump in and tackle our stairs.

Our Prairie Home made over a tired old china cabinet and gave it a fabulous new life! This piece would have been hard to let go!;)

As always thank you to all who partied last week! I am so truly honored to have such talent partying at my place! If you were featured please feel free to grab the "I've Been Featured" button!:) I have the newly updated button with html code on my sidebar! 

 What would be a HUGE help and encourage more comments not just from me but others as well would be for everybody to take off their required verification codes for leaving a comment. This seems to take just a few seconds of time but when you have to do it on 30 or more blogs it takes up a TON of time. Last week most everybody had turned off their Word Verification which made it so much easier for me to stop by everybody's links! Thank you!

Now on to this weeks party! 
As with all parties there are the normal rules. You must link back to From My Front Porch To Yours in your THT POST. Just common courtesy. If ya don't link back ya don't get to party. Only link up to your Treasure Hunt Thursday post and NOT your blog homepage. Please No advertising and PLEASE NO MORE than 3 links from the SAME party goer. Also NO MORE linking up to your own link parties. I am seeing more and more link ups of just people promoting their own linky parties. I know it takes time to go back and make a separate post to join the party but it is just the polite thing to do. If you find your post deleted it is not because I am a meany, I just have to make sure the rules are being followed. You can save some of your posts for the following weeks party!Please only link up new posts and not posts that you linked up the week before.Also be sure to visit at least the link before you and after you to just say Hi! It makes partying all the more fun! If you are new around here I would love it if ya become a follower!:)


  1. Pamela,
    Love that herb crate and that stair runner rocks!

  2. Thanks for the feature, Pamela! It was EXTREMELY hard to let go (Between you and me - and any comment stalker - I stare at the corner it was in and pine for it LOL). The good thing is, I can visit it whenever I want and it looks great in the bridal section of a local photographer right on Main Street in downtown. AND... selling it netted me a growing number of furniture makeovers from the same client. She's going to be keeping me busy for a loooooong time. :D But yeah... I really miss it. :) (Oh! And Karin's stair runner... FABULOUS!)

  3. thanks for hosting Pamela! Hope you are having a fabulous week!! I love those features :)

  4. Laura did a great job, didn't she?!

    Thanks for hosting,


  5. That herb box is to die for! I so have to make one for my kitchen!

    Thanks for hosting :)

  6. Great features! So happy to be joining you this week Pamela. Thanks for hosting.

    Susan and Bentley

  7. Ooh, that stair runner is gorgeous! And herb crates have been on my "list" forever!!

  8. Hi, Pamela. Wonderful features! Thanks so much for the party!

  9. I always love your features! Thanks for hosting your party today.

  10. I am so in love with that herb crate. Karin from Art is Beauty is endlessly talented!

    Good luck on your custom work and the end of the school year craziness! Thank you for the party, you have some wonderful links!

  11. You have been busy Pam! Summer is almost here =)

    Love the feature selection! The herb crate is super cute, that is one gorgeous headboard, tackling a stair runner is a big job and that cabinet, you know I love that ;) I revealed it on my blog! Laura really rocked that one big time!

  12. Great party - I really enjoyed looking at everything...I may have to come and join next week as I have something fun to share...have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all! :)

  13. Thanks for hosting Pamela.Great party.

  14. Great features! Thanks for hosting!

  15. Lovely features :)
    Thanks for hosting, Pamela!
    Greetings from Australia♥

  16. Pamela, what a nice surprise!!! Thank you so much for featuring my headboard, you are too sweet!!! BTW, the mercantile is located in the city of Frisco, TX (Frisco Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. Have a great week


  17. Great features Pamela! I just finished up with a project and have linked up! Enjoy your weekend and Happy Mother's Day, Gail

  18. Gorgeous features. I saw the bedroom at my party, too. I linked the guest room since I did find the trunk and swimsuit treasure hunting.

  19. What great features, Pamela. Good luck on tackling your stairs. That is always a big project! xo Diana

  20. Thanks for hosting Pam! Always love the treasures found here!

  21. Thanks for hosting. Very creative features.

  22. Thank you for hosting and may you have a great weekend.

  23. Great the herb crate and that beautiful headboard.
    Send me an e-mail to let me know when you will be here on the coast and maybe we can meet up:)

  24. Oh I have had a long couple of days here, and I am dreadfully late to your party, but THANK YOU SO MUCH for featuring my herb crates!! You are just the sweetest, and you totally made my day. :)

  25. Loved the features! That china hutch is fabulous. Thanks for hosting.
    Happy Mother's Day!


I love when ya stop by so leave me a comment if ya have some time! I always try and respond but sadly enough sometimes I am unable to return the love due to noreply blogger status.