Monday, January 16, 2012

Antoinette Update

The boys are off school today and I am having so much fun watching and listening to them play together! I am so glad that are best buds...most of the time. I have also been busy working some more on Antoinette! I hope I can be done with her some time this week but she keeps morphing into more!;)

Hope your day is going well!


  1. Wow, Antoinette is looking good, Pamela! I can't wait to see the whole thing when you are done!

  2. She is already looking great! Can't imagine what else you could do???

  3. I can tell from the peek, she's going to be beautiful.

  4. OMGoodness Pamela, Antoinette is looking good! Can't wait to see the reveal. Enjoy your day, Gail

  5. Even the tiny bit I see looks pretty nice...can't wait to see the reveal!

  6. Can't wait for her formal debut she is looking pretty fab already!!!

  7. Antoinette is beautiful!


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