Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Weigh In Wednesdays #5

Yep looks super yummy uh!? Well unfortunately I had a few too many pieces of Peanut Butter Pie while on vaca and gained 5 pounds!!! It was more than just the pie. We ate out dinner every night and we snacked after dinner too. Both not good combinations. I also had a few too many Diet soft drinks! I won't beat myself up terribly over them because now that we are back home I can easily get those 5 pounds off in the next week or so.
With it being summer we will be heading to the pool everyday which is wonderful exercise and to top it off we walk to the pool though there is some whining involved. So sad to bad I tell um. The grass needs cutting as well and that is always a great work out. So yep I think I can shed those again fairly easily.

With it being 100 out most days around here it is time to bust out the workout DVDs. I already have Slim in 6 but I am on the hunt for some Richard Simmons DVD sets as well. Nobody seems to sell them locally but I am so wanting his Disco one. He makes working out fun. The boys think he's crazy!:) The Hubster thinks I am crazy for wanting them!;)

Now on to Weigh In Wednesdays! If you link up please be kind enough to link only to your Weigh In Wednesdays post and NOT your entire blog. I look forward to hearing about other weight loss journeys the good the bad and the ugly! Nobody is here to be judged just to be supported so lets have some fun and start sharing and loosing y'all!

Ok y'all I just noticed my Linky Subscription expired and it will not allow me to pay by month only by year. So until this party gets bigger I am just gonna add the links myself. So if ya wanna link up leave me a comment and I will hop over to your post and add ya to the list!:) Hope that is okay with everybody!? It just means more work for me!;) So come on a long with us and lets start loosing!

1. Just Weighin  In Here!- The Decorative Dreamer

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pam! That's the right attitude! No reason to beat yourself up about it when you can readjust. It was easier for me since I was on a mini vacay. One with the whole family for a a week would have been some good eating too! LOL! With those young active children around you will loose it again in no time! Thanks for continuing on with the weigh in party!


I love when ya stop by so leave me a comment if ya have some time! I always try and respond but sadly enough sometimes I am unable to return the love due to noreply blogger status.