Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Can I tell ya'll how upset I am right now!!!??? I have not been to my fave blogs since Sunday and I was going to make the rounds and can you even imagine the horror when I saw that I am no longer following any blogs!!!??? I am just livid and do not even know how I am going to find everybody again. Ya know it is just one of those ya happen upon and then happen upon kinda things. I am completely shattered right now......
P.s I am now confused. I went to Follow some of the ones I do remember and it says I am already following them. My blog says I am following nobody. URGH! Hopefully it is just a glitch and sign from above that I must go sew now! HA!


  1. I know all about Louisiana heat. Yall do get some pretty hot summers there too I must add. Sorry to hear you are having trouble....good luck~

  2. We just moved from BR and it was hot but more of a dry heat than here in Houston if you can believe that. Go figure.

  3. hey - I have a blog you can follow now! I "started" it in Feb, but then didn't post again until recently. bugshugs.blogspot.com Maybe I will keep it up now that one is in Pre-K.

  4. Just went and super cute job on the signs! You should take that up! Maybe a little less stressful than sewing!?
    Tried to leave a message but blogger said nope.

  5. Hey Pamela! Nice to meet you. We do seem very similar in our interests. Thanks for visiting my blog. I always love making a new friend! About the blog list, the same thing happened to me and it just "re-appeared" yesterday. Thank goodness! Is yours back now?


I love when ya stop by so leave me a comment if ya have some time! I always try and respond but sadly enough sometimes I am unable to return the love due to noreply blogger status.