Monday, June 24, 2013

Backyard Oasis Part 4- Just Add Water

I last left off at the tiling being installed on our pool. 
While they were working on the tile we had the big decision of deciding which Pebble Sheen color we wanted for our pool surface. I spent hours on line trying to find just the right color. We ended up choosing French Grey because as you know I am a sucker for anything french!;) Just joking. French Grey is the second color in from the top row and from all the pics I had seen on line and after visiting several of the neighbors pools I decided it was what would look best with all of our pool selections thus far.
The process of watching the techs apply the sheen was fascinating.
We all watched it being applied from upstairs to include our Savannah who wanted to make sure it was all going well. She was a great supervisor!;)
After the Pebble Sheen was sprayed on the techs smoothed it all out to ensure an even finish.
This is what the pool looked like after the Pebble Sheen was applied and before they came back the next day to acid wash it. The acid wash is what brings out all the little pebbles.
As soon as they were done washing it it was time to start filling the pool up and of course we were not short helpers for this part.
In about a day and half the pool was completely filled and there was no keeping the boys out of it.
This is a pic of how the water looked before any chemicals were added to it. I am showing you this because we were totally amazed at the change we were in store for.
After the boys swam that day The Hubster added the first round of the DE powder. After much research The Hubster insisted we install a DE Filter instead of the standard pool filter and you are about to see one of the reasons why.
This is the color of the water the very next morning. We were beyond amazed! I promise this pic is exactly as I took it. I did not edit it what so ever. Even our Pool Contractor could not believe how clear and blue the water was especially since we had not added anything else to the system yet. The water was just beautiful!


  1. Pamela, this is beautiful and I know there will be so many wonderful memories made here. You will always have a yard full of company, too :)

  2. Wow, Pamela your pool is gorgeous. Funny the boys jumping right in that cold water. They just couldn't wait any longer.

    I sure hope that sweet baby gets better soon.

  3. Pamela, your pool is beautiful! I know your family will get a lot of enjoyment out of it.

  4. Hello Pamela,
    Oh looks sooo GOOD!!! The style is just what I would have wanted...ENJOY!!!!


  5. Oh, it looks so refreshing and cool!! You're gonna love it!!! Can't wait to see more!~~Angela

  6. Pamela, What a precious child!!! I will be praying for her and her whole family!!! Thanks for letting me know.

    Now, about your pool! If I were going to build one (bucket list) it would look very much like yours! So classy... what a great shape. I know where you will be all summer!!!!
    I have my bathing suite ready for an invitation!!!!

  7. Pamela,
    Oh my that pool looks so inviting. What a beautiful addition to the backyard. The boys will have so much fun.

    The story on this baby is heart wrenching. Thanks for letting us know.

  8. your pool looks fabulous!! Ours is 20 years old and needs help. blah.

  9. Your pool looks beyond beautiful!

    Having had my two boys in the NICU my heart just breaks for Natalie. Sending my thoughts and prayers!!!

  10. Pamela, I love all your choices for the pool...beautiful! I will be praying for Natalie and the entire family. heading over to her Facebook page.

  11. Wow! Your pool is so beautiful and looks so wonderful and inviting!

  12. Your pool is gorgeous Pamela...we so miss ours!...We had a DE filter and also a "salt" system that took the place of was wonderful...the boys are truly going to have a great summer!...My prayers for the beautiful Natalie...I live in NC and they have wonderful hospitals here!...

  13. I am paying for that little baby.

    The pool turned out gorgeous and those boys seem so very happy!


  14. Wow! Your pool is just gorgeous. Your careful research and choices really worked out perfectly!

  15. Hi Pamela! I realize this is many years later but we are at the stage in pool
    Building where I must select a pebblesheen color. It’s been very difficult but French grey keeps catching my eye! Are you still happy with your choice? Thank you

    1. Hi Jenn! Sorry I am so late in responding. I know that my two cents will be pointless by now but if you went ahead and stuck with French Grey as your choice you will love it! We actually sold our home 4.5 years ago but I am currently trying to convince hubby for us to put a pool in here and French Grey would still be my go to Pebble Sheen color unless I could upgrade to the glass beads which are gorgeous in person! My friend had them and WOW! Hope your pool is coming along swimmingly!:)


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