Thursday, March 8, 2012

Treasure Hunt Thursday #47 & Highlights

Welcome to THT # 47 & Highlights! So glad you stopped by. If ya have a treasure from this past week whether it be something ya bought, something ya found, or even a project you did please link up and party with us! Before I get to Highlights I wanted to say I appreciate each and every one of ya for stopping by and partying with me! I always stop by for a visit for each party goer but I do not always have time to leave a comment. I tried to leave comments this past week and ran into so many blogs that still have their Comment Word Verification turned on. PLEASE turn this off! I noticed that now you have to enter not one but TWO words in the process and it takes twice as long. You more than likely will find once you turn it off you will receive many more comments on your posts! I will be honest I do not leave comments any more on posts that require me to work to leave kind words. So please please turn it off y'all it will make partying all the more fun!

Now on to highlights from last weeks party!

I just loved Gail's stair landing display over at Gail's Decorative Touch! I have a stair landing as well and her display truly inspired me! 
Audrey over at Elegant Economies drew me in with her beautiful spring buffet display!

Cindy over at Beaux R'eves shared a tutorial on how to create some fabulous ruffled curtains! 

As always thank you to all who partied last week!If you were featured please feel free to grab the "I've Been Featured" button!:) Though I was unable to leave a comment on every persons blog please know that I did stop by and visit!! I appreciate everybody taking the time to come over every week! What would be a HUGE help and encourage more comments not just from me but others as well would be for everybody to take off their required verification codes for leaving a comment. This seems to take just a few seconds of time but when you have to do it on 30 or more blogs it takes up a TON of time.

Now on to this weeks party! 
As with all parties there are the normal rules. You must link back to From My Front Porch To Yours in your THT POST. Just common courtesy. If ya don't link back ya don't get to party. Only link up to your Treasure Hunt Thursday post and NOT your blog homepage. Please No advertising and PLEASE NO MORE than 3 links from the SAME party goer. If you find your post deleted it is not because I am a meany, I just have to make sure the rules are being followed. You can save some of your posts for the following weeks party! Please only link up new posts and not posts that you linked up the week before. Also be sure to visit at least the link before you and after you to just say Hi! It makes partying all the more fun! If you are new around here I would love it if ya become a follower!:)


  1. Thanks for hosting and thanks for the shout out about that nasty word verification! I'm with you, I just don't comment any more if I have to enter now TWO words to do so (which with my eyes, I usually cannot read, type them in wrong and have to do it AGAIN!).

  2. Hi Pam....I joined in with a "treasure" my husband brought me!!

  3. Thank you so much for hosting! I will be checking out others linking up here.

  4. Thanks for hosting. Yes! One word was bad enough, but that double whammy drives me crazy. Truth is, quite a few bloggers don't even know they have it on. I was one of them when I first started blogging, but turned it off as soon as someone pointed it out. So, not everyone is doing it on purpose.

  5. Pamela,
    You chose such amazing features this week! Thanks for hosting!
    make it a great week.

  6. Thanks for taking the time to host the party for us each week!!!

  7. Thanks for the feature Pamela and thanks a bunch for hosting. Hugs, Gail

  8. I know! It takes 2 words now to verify that we are human now??? The robots must have figured out the one word thing!!!
    Love last weeks hilights and off to see this weeks entries
    Thanks friend

  9. Thanks so much for hosting!!

  10. Thanks so much for hosting, and linking up. Love the features!

  11. Hi Pamela, I actually have something to link this week. Thanks for hosting.

  12. Thank you for the feature Pamela! And thank you for hosting.
    XO Cindy

  13. Thanks for hosting.

  14. Thank you Pam for featuring my sideboard! You are such a sweetheart for hosting! Those double word verifications are a pain in the neck!
    Blessings, Audrey

  15. Hi Pamela, thanks for hosting and your kindness!


  16. Thank you for making time to visit and comment on each link, Pamela, you are the perfect host!


I love when ya stop by so leave me a comment if ya have some time! I always try and respond but sadly enough sometimes I am unable to return the love due to noreply blogger status.