Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Vertical or Horizontal?

Source Unkown
So there is a great debate going on. Well maybe not that great but I mentioned to the Hubster how I would like to lay the new flooring horizontally instead of vertically. I figured it would be a nice change from the expected. I also figured since we are doing floating wood floors it would be easier to keep them lined up. We start laying at the front door and work our way to the back of the living room. Makes perfect sense to me.
The Hubster is not soo keen on the idea.

Found this pic this evening of a floor laid horizontally so I know I am not crazy. I also stopped by
Show &    Tell this evening and Sausha has her floors laid that way as well. Click to see her space! It is amazing!
So do you think I am crazy? What would you do? Do you think it would be easier to lay it horizontally??


  1. I vote for horizontally. I think it adds balance to the room if the floors are layed with the floors layed parallel to the windows. Are these the floors you are taking out? They look lovely but I really like the samples that were in your granite removing post.
    Good luck deciding.

  2. I would lay it horizontally. I think horizontally laid floors make a room seem more inviting...also seem like it would be a bit easier to lay.
    My husband is the same way with all my projects...he thinks he knows what will look better and what will be the easiest. I always stick to my guns and do it my way. Usually after the project is all said and done, my husband will admit that my way was the better option.
    Good luck! Can't wait to see what you go with.

  3. I'm with you...I think horizonatally would be more of a 'wow' factor~ sorta unexepected and I always vote for that!

  4. I prefer vertically because I feel like it carries you into the room. It makes the space feel bigger. Especially in front entrances, I feel like wood floors that are run horizontally make me stop short, and makes the room feel smaller. But a lot of it depends on the space of the room.

  5. Nope, not crazy! I vote for easy...aka...horizontally! :-)

  6. hi!!! When we laid our floors, your supposed to find the longest span of space and lay them that way. So for us, our longest span of space was from the kitchen to the family room - so horizontal they went. And your also supposed to lay them opposite of what your floor joices are to make the floor stronger - but yours probably wouldnt require that since its floating (ours are nailed down). Whatever you decide - your floors are so pretty that it wont matter!! Have fun :)


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