
My name is Pamela and I am a wife, a mother and a firm believer in the Lord above. I have been married to "The Hubster" for 11 years and we have two wonderful little boys! "Oldest" will be 9 in March and "Littliest" will be 7 in December.
From My Front Porch To Yours focuses on my many adventures of being a SAHM who loves anything french country. My passion for all things decorating goes back to when I was in Elementary school and would stay up to the wee hours changing my room around until it was just right.  This passion has gradually grown into a small online home decor shop called Finch & Co. Designs where I offer up french inspired items for the home. Locally from time to time I also offer up furniture pieces I have transformed and just have no room for in our own home.

I love thrifting and antiquing! You never know what treasures you might find. Every Thursday I host a linky party called Treasure Hunt Thursday where readers can link up their found treasures for the week or projects they have been working on. It is great way to find new inspirations and ideas so be sure to join us!
I love hearing from my bloggy pals so if you a question just shoot meet an email! 
